A quick look back

When the internet was born we were all restricted to our homes, very slow load times, big ugly boxes and screens. The laptop provided a little more flexibility allowing us to plug into wired connections where available.

Then came the wireless revolution, wow! We could surf the internet from any room within our homes via our laptops. Wireless internet evolved through our phone airwaves, giving us access to info on the go, limited by bandwidth and phone browser capabilities of course.

Smartphones landed, BOOM! No longer were they for just making calls. An explosion of devices followed, different operating systems, screen sizes, tablets etc. The ability to use advanced features accessed by browsers, cameras, GPS tracking, touch interaction the list goes on.

Evolve or die!

There are endless stats and figures out there telling how mobile web usage has increased massively over the past year and is set to surpass desktop use in 2014 and it’s all true!

“The average iPhone user only spends 45% of their on-device time making voice calls”.

The reality for companies is how to get your information to customers, via the variety of device types currently available and coming soon. If companies don’t figure out how to customise the experience, utilising device functionality and capabilities, they will lose their customers to the competition that has. So, what are you waiting for?

Unsure how to approach the problem?

AMA can help, don’t just reformat your app or website, rethink it!

Mobile is not only a different set of technologies, its a different set of user behaviours and expectations.

Read a little more about how AMA approach projects, content strategy and other keys to success, ‘Content & Mobile first approach’ and how adopting a responsive approach to your website or microsite is essential, read more about ‘Responsive layout’.